How Did Taylors TownSquare Do Last Year?

Hey everyone, I hope your year is off to a great start. As we move into 2024, I wanted to show you how Taylors TownSquare did financially in 2023. I know we occasionally appeal for contributions, but historically, it’s not been something we talk about too much. 

To start 2023, Taylors TownSquare had about $19,989 in cash. About $7,807 of that was in our Chick Springs Escrow account, funds designated for projects at the Chick Springs site. Over the year, we took in about $2,576 and spent $3,895. About $2,700 of those funds was spent on Chick Springs-related projects. So overall, the organization netted a loss of $1,319 for the year, ending with $18,655 in the bank as of 12/31/2023. The Chick Springs account is down to $5,110. 

Why do I share all this with you? As we move into 2024 with our acquisition of Chick Springs Park in the final stages, we need your support now more than ever. We are so grateful for the generosity of those who contributed to the organization last year. Still, as we move forward, we will continue to rely on individuals like you who are bought into what Taylors TownSquare is doing at Chick Springs and, more broadly, providing opportunities for people to connect and belong in Taylors.

So, how can you help? I would love for you to consider becoming a monthly supporter of Taylors TownSquare. If we had just 12 individuals commit to giving $12 a month, that would help us break even and then some based on last year’s expense figures. 

As I mentioned, the Chick Springs fund continues to diminish, and as the work here picks up, we need individuals who believe in saving this property to join us in putting more funds in our Chick Springs account. If you’re interested in helping here, please let me know, and I can get you the details. 

Thank you so much for your consideration here. Your support is invaluable to our work of making Taylors a place where people can belong.

One final note. I wanted to share with you all that I, Alex Reynolds, am running for Greenville County Council this year. We debated whether to acknowledge this in this context at all, but I feel like it’s important, given the types of subjects I’ve written about here, to put all my cards on the table. This will likely be the only update I give about this here, and if you have questions, you can email me about them here. I believe it’s important to keep the lines clear between my role leading this organization and those political efforts. I commit to you to do my best not to cross those boundaries of communication moving forward.


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