Taylors TownSquare Updates

It's hard to believe we are already well into the fall, schools have been going for the better part of a month, and Christmas is just over 100 days away! 

As we have moved through 2022, we have made a concerted effort to do more. Our board has worked to zero in on the work in front of us: making Taylors a place where everyone can belong. These monthly emails have given you a glimpse into our work. We need your financial support to continue this work and enable us to do more. 

This is where you come in. Would you consider making a $10 monthly donation to Taylors Townsquare to help more people find a place to belong in Taylors? A monthly gift of the amount you pay to Netflix makes a massive difference to us.

Click Here to Give

Taylors Townsquare is a volunteer-board-run organization, so when you give, where does your support go?

  • We're maintaining and working towards acquiring the Chick Springs property. The costs of landscaping, work on the spring house, and the tasks involved in the acquisition add up. 

  • We're relaunching the Taylors Business Association. Purchasing the materials to host these networking events and spreading the word to engage more people add up, too. 

  • We're hosting more events, like our Ice Cream Social in August, to give residents of Taylors places to engage one another. Getting the supplies to host these types of gatherings adds up as well. 

Have more questions? Don't hesitate to reply to this email; I will be happy to talk! 

You can make a difference in other's finding a place to belong in Taylors now and in the future. Please consider giving to Taylors Townsquare today.


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